Or will you try and tell me that you’ve been too long at
That knowledge is not needed, that power does not rule?
—Gordon Lightfoot
lame old protest song.
Joy and peace.
Your Uncle Jerry is thinking about getting into politics. What this country needs is a few more citizens with the guts to speak truth to power, thinkers who will not shrink from making the unpopular argument. We need public intellectuals who will bravely stand in the face of public opinion and repeat what they’ve been hearing all day on CNN. Uncle Jerry has decided to become a pundit.
Your Uncle Jerry is thinking about getting into politics. What this country needs is a few more citizens with the guts to speak truth to power, thinkers who will not shrink from making the unpopular argument. We need public intellectuals who will bravely stand in the face of public opinion and repeat what they’ve been hearing all day on CNN. Uncle Jerry has decided to become a pundit.
The recall election in the state of Wisconsin makes the need
clear. Some of Uncle Jerry’s more soft-headed friends who happen actually to
live in Wisconsin thought this election was about restoring accountability to
executive power and about the runaway influence of Big Money in state politics.
But the truth is there to see—in the media: this election was clearly a
referendum on the threat to the American Way of Life posed by powerful labor unions
that disappeared sometime in the 1970s.
Labor unions, as any news anchor with a smart board and a $5000
suit could tell you, are the bane of democracy. They are roving bands of firefighters,
teachers, secretaries, and autoworkers, controlled from the shadows by
cigar-chomping socialists. Union members aren’t real Americans; they’re unwashed
shirkers, whose collars aren’t white, who have no gratitude for our democracy or
for the millionaires who own it fair and square. They despise those who keep democracy
safe through gerrymandering and through dismantling campaign finance
As a new member of the punditocracy, Your Uncle Jerry will
make it a priority to remind American couch potatoes that this country wasn’t
built by union workers, and it isn’t kept safe every day by police,
firefighters, safety inspectors, teachers, and other blood-sucking unionists.
America was built by the blood, sweat, and tears of the
fabulous. You think being born into wealth is easy? Well, it isn’t. It takes
real imagination to invent things like tax loopholes for capital gains; it
takes chutzpah, dedication, and vast networks of powerful friends to hoist bags
and bags of money and to hide them in off-shore bank accounts. You think
bootstrapping from the working class is hard? You should try it when the only
straps available are the tassels on your Gucci loafers.
The voters in Wisconsin have made it clear, as all the
pundits agree. Workers go too far when they band together demanding “economic
justice.” As we stand here in the dawn of the Age of Romney, we must not be
weighed down by demands from the tired, the poor, the huddled masses. We owe them nothing. We must look up—way up—to our wealthiest one percent. Look at
how they protect each other, how they congratulate each other, how they compete
good-naturedly to write the biggest check to their personal senators. Look at
them linked arm in arm. There we see, Camper, exactly what the Founders meant
by “a more perfect union.”
Peace and joy.
In chapter 19, Molly and Rhinehart unite around the need to
pull a scam.